Tuesday 16 November 2010

Products unavailable

Okay, I've had a bit of time to explore in-world, and as expected, all my stores are gone. I will be listing some stuff with SL Marketplace soon, now that I've got a handle on the SLX/Xstreet and OnRez merger with SL. Sadly Virtual Starry Night, an excellent gallery of Van Gogh's work, has bitten the dust. And of course the FirstMeta MetaCard, a virtual credit card, has gone too. The pic has a link to the announcement.

I'm not on a phenomenally fast machine, but after a glitch where my avatar was all stripes (which seems to have cleared, so it must be a SL bork rather than my machine) I should be able to do some editing and creating.

And there is some stuff in the works about possible new in-world shop locations.

Saturday 13 November 2010

New look to the blog

Well, here is a new look to the blog with the whizzo new template builder on Blogger. I've now checked most of the links here, but have not yet changed all the in-world or online store links until I've been in and sussed exactly what is happenning following Linden Labs acquiring Shop OnRez and SL Exchange. The former certainly has disappeared off the face of the earth, the latter still exists until the Second Life Marketplace takes over.

So pretty much none of the products will be available, but I will, when I can get reasonable in-world access, try and restore the products, but there will be some rearrangement and discounting, with lots of new product ideas to come, so stay tuned!

Thursday 11 November 2010

I'm Back...

Well, sorta. Been away with all sorts of problems, lack of employment, loss of internet connection, blown power board etc, but once I find my feet again, things should be back to, er, normal. Loads of ideas to come, but I also have to check what has changed in SL over the last 2+ years :-o

Be aware I haven't yet checked any of the inworld stores, but I know the magic boxes disappeared from most locations, before most of the web sites also died, merged, or got eaten by Linden Labs.